Network Touristik Management GmbH
About the organisation
Andreas Felleis and Patrick Knittelfelder both run the tourism company Network Touristik Management GmbH (NTG), a „Two-Family“-Company domiciled in Salzburg, Ferdinand Hanusch Platz. Originally the NTG was a classical hotel carrier of holiday resorts and city hotels all set in the alpine area in Austria. Adittionally the NTG established itself successfully in the gastronomy during the last couple of years.
Today the NTG summarises all kinds of businesses, which are all unique in ther concepts and try to offer their guests a wonderful and relaxing time.
At the present the businesses are arranged in four different fields:
Hotels – Inns – Delicatessen – Pasture
Hotels: Modern conference hotel, small boutique hotel in the middle of the old town of Salzburg, all inclusive family hotel or traditional winter resort – everyone will find their favourite
Inns: It’s all about traditional Austrian kitchen and lifestyle construed in a modern way.
Delicatessen: For foodies and gourmets just the best: Die Geheime Specerey and our online shop which offers local and international wine specialities.
Pasture: High quality products made of our own pasture pigs.
As an exotice add-on we established our first fashion boutique DERBE in 2013.