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Working or hiring in Wallonia ? Le Forem helps you ! - Le Forem

You are a foreign jobseeker searching for a Job in Wallonia ? You want to know more about Living & Working conditions in the south of Belgium ? You want to have a contact with our advisers - don't hesitate to send us an email at :

If you are a foreign company willing to hire our jobseekers, please contact :

What is le Forem ?

Le Forem is the Public Service for Employment and Vocational Training in Wallonia (Belgium).

Its main objectives focus on helping :

JOBSEEKERS in their jobsearches ;

EMPLOYERS in their recruitment, training and financial needs.

Its counterparts in other regions and communities of Belgium are :

VDAB in Flanders,

Bruxelles Formation and Actiris in the Brussels-Capital region,

ADG in the German speaking region.


What services can Le Forem offer to foreign employers looking for candidates in Wallonia ?

Our advisers can help you :

  • Create and broadcast your job offers ,
  • Pre-screen applicants ,
  • Organize recruitment days dedicated to your business,
  • Deal with paperwork and administrative tasks .

More information :


Which services are provided by le Forem to foreign citizens looking for a job in Wallonia ? Le Forem sets up individual or group sessions to :

  • Facilitate administrative procedures ;
  • Identify your skills and needs: studies, training, professional experience, languages, etc . ;
  • Inform you about the job market as well as the living and working conditions in Belgium.

Are you looking for a job in Wallonia from abroad ?

You can benefit from Forem’s online services, free of charge:

  • the job search engine (pages in French);
  • the creation of your professional profile to be spotted by employers. To do so, you must create a personal account on the Forem website (pages in French).

What are the accesses to the Belgian job market if you are not Belgian ?

1. You are a citizen from Europe or Switzerland

If you are a national of a European Economic Area (EEA) Member State or Switzerland , you have unrestricted access to the Belgian job market . Which means that you do not need a work permit to work in Belgium.

If you need assistance in your job search, you can contact Le Forem's International Mobility Service (EURES):

2. If you are a non-European citizen

  • If you do not live in Belgium
  • First your employer must be granted an authorization by the competent Region (Wallonia, Flanders, Brussels) in order for you to work for that company. In the French-speaking region, the employer will apply to the Directorate of Employment and Work Permits of the Wallonia Public Service. (A European Union citizen does not need a Work Permit).
  • If you live in Belgium

Your residence permit/document contains an indication of whether you can work in Belgium or not.

  • unlimited " : you have unlimited access to the job market and can work for any employer and in any position. You benefit from all the services provided by Le Forem.
  • limited " : you have limited access to the job market; therefore, you do not have a free choice of employer and/or working regime. You only benefit from Le Forem’s Service clientèle.
  • no " : you may not work. You only benefit from Le Forem’s Service clientèle.

3. You are an applicant for or beneficiary of international protection

You can benefit from a specific assistance.

More information: Please mention all your details in your request (full name, nationality, country of residence, phone number).

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Event participation(s)

06 May 2021
Participating: Online