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You might have heard of the employment center (Centro per l’Impiego). The employment centre can help you to find a job, take training or ask for information about work. Find out how the employment centre works and how to register for free.

The employment center (Centro per l’Impiego) is a public office that offers free services to assist job placement and vocational training for both Italian citizens and foreign citizens who regularly live in Italy.

To use the services of the employment center, you must sign up first. Enrollment is free.

We are in Isernia (Molise - Italy) in Via G. Berta, snc (lobby / Provincia building).

Hot jobs

building renovation / construction

Organisation details
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Event participation(s)

24 November 2023
Skills at work
Participating: Online
15 November 2022
6th Edition
Participating: Online
Participating: Online
Participating: Online