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Намерете своята работа

Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

The Impact You’ll Make in this Role As a Bonding Automation Application Engineer for Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division in EMEA, you will have the opportunity to tap into your curiosity and collaborate with some of the most innovative and diverse people around the world. Here, you will make an impact by: Serving as the technical host in our Bonding Process Center, showcasing bonding automation solutions to customers through live demonstrations. Collaborating with customers throughout EMEA to understand their bonding challenges and provide tailored solutions, offering expert advice on ...

Работно място:
Germany, Neuss
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Very good
  • English
  • Very good
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Initiativbewerbung für technisch orientierte Berufe am Standort Kempten Wir sind stetig motiviert interessante Talente kennenzulernen und möchten mit Ihnen über eine Initiativbewerbung in Kontakt bleiben. Hier kommt unser Talent-Pool ins Spiel: Wir prüfen laufend unsere Einstiegsmöglichkeiten in den diversen Bereichen der Produktion und sind bestrebt Ihre bestehenden Erfahrungen mit den verschiedenen Anforderungsprofilen zu vereinen. Gerne kommen wir proaktiv auf Sie zu, sobald eine passende Stelle gefunden ist und nehmen Sie unverzüglich in den Bewerbungsprozess auf. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre ...

Работно място:
Germany, Jüchen
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Ihr Beitrag zu unserem gemeinsamen Erfolg Als Bauingenieur Projektleitung (m/w/*) für den Bereich EMEA Engineering am Standort Hilden haben Sie die Möglichkeit Ihr Wissen zielgerichtet einzusetzen, um unseren gemeinsamen Erfolg voranzubringen. Dabei umfasst Ihr Aufgabengebiet: Standortübergreifende Planung und Umsetzung von Bauvorhaben als verantwortlicher Projektleiter Bautechnische Unterstützung und statische Bewertungen bei Investitionen in Prozessequipment Erarbeitung der besten technischen Lösung für unsere Aufgabenstellung gemeinsam mit den Planungsfirmen und unseren internen Disziplinen ...

Работно място:
Germany, Hilden
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Very good
  • English
  • Very good
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Ihr Beitrag zu unserem gemeinsamen Erfolg Als Kraftfahrer (m/w/*) Werksverkehr an dem Logistik-Standort Jüchen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihr Wissen zielgerichtet einzusetzen, um unseren gemeinsamen Erfolg voranzubringen. Dabei umfasst Ihr Aufgabengebiet: Rangieren von betriebsinternen und externen Aufliegern, (Wareneingang/Warenausgang) auf dem Betriebsgelände, bzw. zwischen den Standorten Zustellung und Abholung von Sendungen sowie Ladungssicherungskontrolle und Dokumententransport im Werksverkehr Kontrolle und Pflege der Umsetzfahrzeuge sowie Aufzeigung von fälligen Wartungsintervallen der ...

Работно място:
Germany, Jüchen
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане:
Not provided
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Our client is a renowned mechanical engineering company/family business with global activities, located in southern Germany Your Responsibilities As a Service Technician (m/f/d), you ensure service and smooth operation of our machines for customers worldwide Regular deployments to national and international customers Error analysis and troubleshooting, as well as performing necessary repairs Implementation of modifications and upgrades on existing machines and machine programs Supporting production at customer sites and ensuring system availability Performing machine inspections and ...

Работно място:
Germany, Headquarter in Baden-Würtemmberg, regular travel to national and international customers
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Good
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане (Monthly):
4500 - 5000 EUR (Gross pay)
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Our client is a fast growing company in the field of renewable energies Responsibilities Independent planning of assigned projects Installation of the AC side of photovoltaic projects, including energy storage systems and wallboxes, and overseeing the DC side of installation Installation of the remote monitoring system Commissioning of photovoltaic systems, energy storage systems, and wallboxes Documentation of necessary measurement protocols and conducting acceptance with customers Maintenance and repair of existing systems

Работно място:
Germany, Berlin
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Fluent
Диапазон на заплащане (Monthly):
3750 - 4500 EUR (Gross pay)
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Our client is a fast-growing family business and a global leader in its markets based in northern Bavaria Your Key Responsibilities: Independent execution of assembly and electrical installations on electrical systems and mechanical components of ventilation systems for building smoke extraction Installation and connection of ventilation and electrical components Implementation of commissioning Independent identification and resolution of malfunctions Potential training and instruction of our subcontractors and customers

Работно място:
Germany, Across Germany, Headquarter in Bavaria
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Basic
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане (Monthly):
3500 - 3750 EUR (Gross pay)
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Our client is a leading Construction Company based in southern Germany Your Responsibilities Nationwide installation and commissioning of AC and DC charging infrastructure Maintenance work on existing charging systems and measurements according to German standards Commissioning, inspections, and maintenance of transformer stations Quality assurance and technical acceptance Creation and maintenance of documentation

Работно място:
Germany, Germany, Across Germany, Headquarter in Southern Germany
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Basic
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане (Monthly):
4000 - 5000 EUR (Gross pay)
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Our client is a leading Construction Company based in southern Germany Your Responsibilities Construction, modification, and renovation of electrical substations Installation and assembly of cables in low and medium-voltage networks Expansion of existing control cabinets, implementation of plan revisions on-site, coordination with other trades, and reporting to project management Ensuring compliance with occupational safety regulations, technical guidelines, and quality requirements

Работно място:
Germany, Across Germany, Headquarter in Southern Germany
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Basic
  • English
  • Good
Диапазон на заплащане (Monthly):
4000 - 5000 EUR (Gross pay)
Предложен/а от:
На разположение за събитието:

Ingeniería eléctrica alemana de desarrollo de proyectos de Baja Tensión en hospitales y en el sector ferroviario, con 300 empleados. La empresa tiene sedes en Alemania, USA y China. Este puesto está en Leipzig. El horario es flexible y se puede teletrabajar por la tarde. Tareas: Gestión de proyectos- Planificación de presupuestos, recursos técnicos y humanos, plazos Dirección del equipo Relación con los clientes para seguimiento de los proyectos Elaboración de documentación de los proyectos

Работно място:
Germany, Leipzig
Икономически сектор:
Езикови умения:
  • German
  • Very good
Диапазон на заплащане (Monthly):
50000 - 70000 EUR (Gross pay)

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