We are currently looking for chefs, waiters and bartenders.
Skistar Lodge Hundfjället in Sälen, Sweden. Is a newly built hotel in which Pontus Frithiof in cooperation with Nordrest will run two major restaurants. The hotel and its restaurants will be the hot topic of this year´s winter season.
Our concept consists of a premium hotel breakfast, the next generation of ski lunching, a sober premium after ski and two cosy evening restaurants to choose from.
Company values: Be available, Spread joy, Surprise positively, Qauality, Luxury, Generosity.
Work experience: Minimum 3 years working experience from the position applied for.
Education: For chefs minimum high school diploma, preferably completed with apprenticeship program or culinary school.
Language: Good knowledge of English, both spoken and written.
Employment: Winter season with start in the beginning of December. Seasonal employment 3-6 months. Full time contract.
Salary: According to collective bargaining agreement. Minimum monthly salary 2400 Euro before tax with addition for late working hours.
Accomodation: Shared accomodation for rent at low cost.