Alto Comissariado para as Migrações (High Commission for Migration) – ACM, I.P.
About the organisation

The High Commission for Migration (Alto Comissariado para as Migrações – ACM, I.P.) is a Public Institute that pursues legal responsibilities in the areas of integration of migrants and refugees and whose mission is to collaborate in the definition, execution and evaluation of public, transversal, and sectorial policies in the field of migration, relevant for the attraction of migrants, for the integration of immigrants and ethnic groups, in particular the Roma communities, and for the management and valorization of diversity among cultures, ethnicities and religions.
Since its inception, the High Commission for Migration (ACM, I.P.) has developed a number of specialized services to meet the needs of migrant communities.
Learn more about these services here!
- Migrant Support Line
- Learning Portuguese
- Telephone Translation Service
- Support for the Integration of Refugees
- National Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CNAIM)
- Local Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIM)
- Immigrant Occupational Insertion Offices Newtwork (GIP)