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Work in Denmark - Lisbon

Event date:
25 May 2016
Event type:
Online / Onsite
Registration status:


Short overview of the labour market :



Electrical, Electronic, Automation, Mechanical,

Chemical/Process, Software.

Experienced within sustainable energy, underground construction, off-shore, food and beverage industry, robotics, sound/audio, metallurgy, hydraulic, composite and more.


General Practitioner, Psychiatry, Radiology, Urology, Cardiology, Pulmonary Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Gastroenterology, Clinical Biochemistry, Endocrinology, Pathology, Pediatric and other specialties


Software development, Web development, Implementation, Consultancy, System Operation & Administration

.NET, C#, C++, Java, SAP, ERP and many more.


Regulatory Affairs, Chemistry, Immunology, Dairy/Food Technology, Molecular Biology, PhD &Post-Doc researchers for Universities and Research Centres, QA, QC, GMP, HVAC, Purification, Process support, Validation, Automation, Mechanical


Workindenmark is a public employment service for highly qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark, and forDanish companies searching for talented foreign employees.

Workindenmark assists Danish companies in finding highly qualified foreign candidates and helps foreign jobseekers in finding work and establish a working life in Denmark.

We do this by:

  • assisting Danish companies in recruiting highly qualified candidates;
  • assisting highly qualified jobseekers in finding a job in Denmark;
  • providing assistance for approaching the Danish authorities (International Citizen Service);
  • providing information and guidance about living and working conditions in Denmark.


Our three Workindenmark centres, placed in Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus, offer a series of recruitment services to employers and information and guidance to jobseekers living and working in Denmark.


ICS (International Citizen Service):

International Citizen Service is a nationwide service for foreign employees and Danish Companies and Workindenmark are part of this.

All the authorities a foreign employee typically needs to contact are represented at International Citizen Service in Aalborg, Aarhus, Copenhagen and Odense. So in most cases a foreign employee and his/her family only need to visit International Citizen Service in order to get the paperwork done and find answers to possible questions.

International Citizen Service offers foreign employees, job seekers and their families:

Help with the paperwork:

· Residence and work permit for non EU citizens

· Registration certificate for EU citizens

· Tax card

· Social security number (CPR)

· Medical card

Personal guidance on:

· Job seeking in Denmark

· Finding a job for your partner

· Student jobs for international students

· Danish courses

· The Danish tax system

· Registration of foreign vehicles

Useful information about:

· Living and working conditions in Denmark

· Authorisation and approval of professional qualifications for regulated professions

· Danish driver’s license

· Study and career counselling

· Accommodation

· Schooling

· Day care for children

· Network and social activities in your area

For further information, please see:

Further info about Denmark :

Working in Denmark


Consider Denmark: welfare, flexicurity, innovation

Klaus working as a GP in Southern Denmark

Ana Lisa - a psychiatrist in Southern Denmark


Work in Denmark: how to participate online?

Cannot join us in Lisbon? Wondering how to take the best advantage of the online event?

Here's what you can do:

  • follow the Programme being streamed live* (every presentation will take place twice: one in the morning, one in the afternoon; so you can choose according to your availability and preferences);
  • make use of the Live Chat
    • Helpdesk (ensured by EURES Portugal) will be available for you throughout the whole event; we can guide you in the Programme, in the use of the platform (e.g. job search and how to apply) and provide you with some tips on EURES and related services;
    • Workindenmark, from 10:00 to 11:00 and from 13:00 to 14:00, can advise you on more specific questions regarding living and working in Denmark, how to apply to a Danish employer and / or on the jobs being advertised;
    • Siemens Wind Power, from 11:00 to 12:00, will be ready to answer to your questions on jobs being promoted and other career opportunities in the company.
  • apply to the jobs matching your profile and expectations (but be selective! and... you should be logged in); even a few weeks after the event, you might be invited for an interview, either online or in Denmark.


* Presentations will also be recorded and made available online after the event.

Latest news: Siemens Wind Power will join our event online!

Siemens will participate at the "Work in Denmark" event, by promoting ca. 20 career opportunities for experienced profiles within Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Automation, IT, Project Management, among others), but other areas as well (including Business Administration and Marketing).

Siemens provides innovative solutions within both energy supply, industrial productivity, urban infrastructures and healthcare. Within wind power solutions for onshore, offshore and coastal sites, Siemens is a leading supplier, and Denmark is the headquarters of wind power activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and the center of our global R&D and engineering activities.  

Company HR representatives will also be online on the Chat to answer your questions from 11:00 up until 12:00 (GMT, Lisbon time).


  • get inspired by watching this video and taking a look at Siemens Wind Power website;
  • go through and apply ASAP to Siemens Wind Power jobs matching your profile; 
  • join us online on May 25, from 11:00 to 12:00, and make direct contact with the company representatives on the Chat.
A number of PhD & PostDoc projects and job positions being promoted during Work in Denmark

Nearly 40 PhD and PostDoc projects, scholarships or job positions will be promoted at the Workindenmark stand during this event, mostly (but not only) for Engineering, Biotech, Healthcare and IT-related research topics.

Among these, a number of positions as Assistant and Associate Professors.


Find out more by visiting us at the Workindenmark stand, at the Engineers Professional Association, and/or by contacting us at the Chat (from 10:00 to 11:00, or 13:00 to 14:00 - GMT, Lisbon time).

Danish regional hospitals will be recruiting Medical Doctors onsite!

Workindenmark has invited regional hospitals from South and Northern Denmark to join our event, on May 25! These hospitals are looking for several Medical profiles, with a particular emphasis on General Medical Practitioners (Family Doctors).

But Denmark is also looking for several other Medical specialists: Radiologist, Pathologists, Psychiatrists, Neurologists, Rheumatologists, Cardiologists, Clinical Biochemistry Analysts, Emergency Doctors, Endocrinologists,  Gastroenterologists, Paediatricians, Pulmonologists, Surgeons, Urologists.

Some vacancies being promoted during the event

Workindenmark, together with employing hospitals, provides a package of integration support to those of you matching these profiles. Find out more HERE



Join us on May 25, either at the Engineers Professional Association in Lisbon or online, and:

Cannot join during the day? Alternatively, we will have a 1-hour Seminar at the Medical Doctors' Professional Association (Head Office in Lisbon) on May 24, at 6.00 pm. Register here, or just show up on the day

DAVINCI will be recruiting Development Engineers in Lisbon!

DAVINCI development will be participating at the "Work in Denmark" event in Lisbon, on May 25!

Considered a "gazelle" company for several years during the last decade, DAVINCI is a complete development firm, which professionally and effectively solves product development tasks from concept to the finished product. Specialist within engineering and 3D print, DAVINCI has been working in the past 15 years for several clients in the metal, plastic, energy and medical sectors.

With head office in Billund and departments in Copenhagen (Skovlunde), Aarhus and Sønderborg, DAVINCI offers its co-workers an attractive, well-humoured and informal working environment with plenty of opportunities for personal and professional development in an international environment.

DAVINCI's engineers work either from one of its offices or as integrated colleagues in the client's development team.

The company is currently looking for Development Engineers for:

  • welded and bolded steel structures
  • plastic design
  • machinery development and design

and for an FEA* Engineer.


  • follow DAVINCI's presentation on the event day, either at 11.30 am or 2.30 pm (GMT time zone);
  • apply ASAP to DAVINCI's jobs matching your profile; 
  • join us on May 25 and make contact with the company representatives at the Engineers' Professional Association.



*FEA = Finite Element Analysis

200 jobs already available!

Haven't visited the Jobs section in the last few days? Already 200 vacancies available! Check them out! Search according to your qualifications and skills! Maybe you'll find the right one for you!

Work in Denmark: check the jobs Section!

We're glad to inform you that more than 100 job opportunities are already made available for our May 25th event, mostly within the medical care, IT and engineering areas. More will be made available as we get close to the day!

Check this website on a regular basis in the next few days for further news.

Register for the event! Even if not nearby Lisbon, you can follow Work in Denmark online.

And... apply to the jobs!

Event open for registration

We are happy to announce that the Work in Denmark - Lisbon event is open for registration!
